Liz's Diary
You don’t normally hear from me, if we haven’t met before, I’m Mark, Liz’s business and life partner and every month I read Liz’s diary and message to you on this page and sometimes I might even get a mention. But this month, I’ve asked her to move on over! So please allow me to share some thoughts and they’re around the subject of International Women’s Day which is Saturday 8th March.
I was brought up with three sisters and it taught me to both love, respect and ...
Welcome to Fabulous February, and it’s a very special month for us as we’re celebrating the TEMPLESPA Silver Anniversary. It’s extraordinary to Mark and I, that our baby conceived in February 2000 is now a grown-up 25 year old!
Back then, all we had was a name, a dream and a spirit of adventure ...
I really hope you have managed to enjoy a wonderful festive season and New Year, in which ever way you chose to celebrate. It is so great to slow down a bit, enjoy catch ups with friends and family ...
Welcome all, I hope you’ve had a joyful and restful Christmas! As the celebrations start to gently wind down and we look ahead to the new year, it’s a wonderful time to reflect, recharge, and embrace the beauty of this season. Crisp, frosty mornings and the vibrant colours of winter are still here, and there’s something so magical about stepping outside to take it all in. I love being surrounded by nature, secateurs in hand, ready to gather a sprig of ivy or a perfectly twirled branch, winter’s treasures ...
Welcome to Nurturing November! The outside temperature has dropped, the mornings and nights are inky dark and it’s a definite change of season. I’ve just changed my wardrobes from summer to winter clothes, reluctantly putting away the shorts and T-shirts and getting out the woolly jumpers hoping the pesky moths haven’t eaten alive my favourite cashmere!
If you’re anything like me, you can’t help but mutter that it literally feels like yesterday, we were doing ...
Welcome to OPTIMISTIC October!
If you read my diary and blog regularly, and thank you if you do, I love to name the month in a very optimistic way! I think it’s because there comes a point in life (the benefit of getting slightly older) when you realise how precious and beautiful every single day is, let alone a new month which always brings something unique and special.
When I think of this golden month of October, I see it through the photographic lens of clear blue skies ...
Welcome to Super September!
I personally refuse to believe that September potentially brings an end to the summer and because we’ve had a pretty wet, often cold one this year, I’ve decided that whatever the weather, I am going to linger a little longer and enjoy an Indian Summer this month! Evidently the term is derived from the concept of a ‘spell of warm, hazy conditions that enabled indigenous Americans to continue hunting’! I’ll take that.
Because ...
Welcome to awesome August!
What a happy month of summer August is. Sunshine, shorts, salads, swimming, seaside and sizzling barbecues! We love it and for Mark and I, our August ends with our 48th wedding anniversary, but starts with glamping as we do every year, a chance to be with friends, enjoying the outdoors and late night chatter around the campfire.