Are you tired of dealing with redness on your face? Whether it's due to rosacea, acne, or sensitive skin, finding effective solutions is crucial. At TEMPLESPA, we understand the impact facial redness can have on your confidence and overall well-being, so we’ve complied this comprehensive guide to help you tackle redness head-on.


What causes redness on the face?

Redness on the face can be caused by various factors, including common skin conditions like acne, rosacea, and dermatitis. These conditions can lead to inflammation and irritation, resulting in noticeable redness.

Acne occurs when hair follicles become clogged with oil and dead skin cells, leading to red, swollen bumps. Rosacea is a chronic condition that causes redness and small, pus-filled bumps, often affecting the cheeks and nose.

Dermatitis, including allergic contact dermatitis and seborrheic dermatitis, can also cause facial redness. Allergic contact dermatitis happens when the skin reacts to certain substances, such as cosmetics, while seborrheic dermatitis results in redness, scaling, and flaking.

Environmental factors like extreme weather conditions and pollution can also contribute to facial redness. Additionally, lifestyle factors such as diet and stress can impact your skin, leading to inflammation and redness.

Symptoms: Identifying Facial Redness

Facial redness can be a common concern for many people. By identifying the visual signs, you can determine the best course of action to address it.

One of the most noticeable signs of facial redness is the appearance of a reddish hue on the skin. This can manifest as patches of redness or an overall flushed appearance.

Sometimes, the redness may be accompanied by visible blood vessels or small bumps on the skin.

It's essential to differentiate between temporary and chronic redness. Temporary redness can occur due to factors like extreme temperatures, skincare products, or spicy foods and typically subsides on its own. Chronic redness is persistent and may indicate an underlying skin condition, such as rosacea or eczema. In such cases, it is advisable to seek professional advice from a dermatologist or skincare specialist.


Effective Treatments for Facial Redness

Dealing with facial redness is a common skin concern. Fortunately, there are effective treatments available to help reduce redness and promote a more even complexion.

Over-the-counter treatments can be a great starting point. Look for products containing soothing ingredients like aloe vera, chamomile, or green tea extract, which have calming properties that help reduce redness and inflammation. Products with niacinamide or vitamin C may also help strengthen the skin barrier and minimise redness over time.

For more severe or persistent redness, professional treatments may be necessary. Dermatologists and aestheticians can offer targeted solutions like laser therapy, intense pulsed light (IPL) treatment, or chemical peels. These treatments can help reduce redness by targeting blood vessels, promoting collagen production, and exfoliating the skin.

Natural remedies and home care tips can also alleviate facial redness. Applying a cold compress or ice pack to the affected area can temporarily constrict blood vessels and reduce redness. Gentle skincare routines with products specifically formulated for sensitive skin can make a difference. Avoiding triggers like spicy foods, hot drinks, and extreme temperatures can help prevent flare-ups.

At TEMPLESPA, we understand the importance of addressing facial redness and achieving a calm, balanced complexion. Our range of skincare products are carefully formulated to nourish and soothe the skin, helping to reduce redness, support your skin’s microbiome and promote a healthy glow and overall appearance. 

Skincare routine to reduce redness

Establishing a skincare routine specifically tailored to sensitive skin is essential if you're struggling with redness on your face. Using the right products and following a consistent regimen can help reduce redness and achieve a more even complexion.

Let’s share the best TEMPLESPA products for helping reduce redness on your face.


Cleanser: BE GONE Kind-Hearted Cleansing Crème

As the name suggests this is a super gentle cleanser with a unique elastic texture that allows you to cleanse your skin, without any tugging or rough movements. It effortlessly removes makeup, oils and impurities and leaves skin soft and smooth thanks to vitamin E and nourishing Mediterranean botanicals.

Toner: BE QUIET Soothing Milky Cleanser

This toner has added prebiotic support from biolin to calm and even skin tone, along with alpine rose which is a brilliant addition to reducing inflammation and calming redness. Apply with a cotton pad or simply massage into the skin until fully absorbed, see how soothed your skin feels afterwards…

Serum: BE STRONG Skin Strengthening Serum

When your skin is prone to redness it’s showing that the skin microbiome might not be at its happiest, and a serum is a great way to target this. Created with high concentration of ingredients, our BE STRONG serum features a prebiotic, liquorice and beetroot extracts and range of vitamins to reach the lower levels of your skin and improve the new healthy skin cells.

Mask: QUENCH Deep Hydrating Mask

When you have that extra time in your skincare routine, a mask is a great option here. QUENCH fuses nourishing ingredients of hyaluronic acid and avocado oil with biolin, niacinamide and vitamins E and C to help improve your skin’s condition and leave it feeling soft, smooth and healthy.

Moisturiser: BE STILL Settling Moisturiser

With a texture like liquid silk, this moisturiser features prebiotic support, a fusion of minerals and brilliant Mediterranean botanicals like black oat, beetroot and liquorice extracts known for their anti-inflammatory benefits and soothing sensitive skin.

When introducing new products into your skincare routine, it's important to perform a patch test. Apply a small amount of the product to a discreet area of your skin, such as behind the ear, and wait 24 hours to check for any adverse reactions. This step is crucial to ensure that the product is well-tolerated by your skin and won't worsen redness or cause irritation.


Lifestyle Changes to Prevent Redness

Making some lifestyle changes can be highly beneficial if you're looking for ways to get rid of redness on your face. Incorporating the following practices into your daily routine can help reduce inflammation and promote healthier, calmer skin.

Dietary adjustments to reduce inflammation: What you eat plays a significant role in your skin's health. To combat redness, incorporate foods with anti-inflammatory properties into your diet. Opt for foods rich in antioxidants, such as berries, leafy greens, and fatty fish like salmon. Avoid consuming too much alcohol, spicy foods, and processed sugars, as they can trigger inflammation and worsen redness.

Stress management techniques: Stress is known to contribute to various skin concerns, including redness. To help manage stress levels, try incorporating relaxation techniques into your daily routine. Engage in activities like yoga, meditation, or deep breathing exercises. Taking time for self-care and ensuring you get enough sleep can also help reduce stress and promote a healthier complexion.

Environmental control and protection: Environmental factors such as harsh weather conditions, pollution, and UV exposure can exacerbate redness on the face. Protect your skin by wearing a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30 daily, even on cloudy days. Use gentle skincare products that are free from harsh chemicals and fragrances. Additionally, consider using a humidifier to add moisture to the air, especially during dry seasons.

By adopting these lifestyle changes, you can take control of redness on your face and promote a healthier, more balanced complexion. Remember, consistency is key, so incorporate these practices into your daily routine for optimal results.


FAQs: Common Questions About Facial Redness

Facial redness can be a common concern for many people, and finding ways to reduce it can greatly improve the appearance and comfort of your skin. Here are some frequently asked questions about facial redness:

Can facial redness be cured completely?

While it may not be possible to completely cure facial redness, there are various treatments and skincare routines that can help minimise its appearance and manage the underlying causes. We recommend finding the root cause, switching up your skincare routine and trying a few lifestyle changes.

How long does it take to see improvement?

The time it takes to see improvement in facial redness can vary depending on the individual and the severity of the redness. With consistent use of appropriate skincare products and following a healthy skincare routine, you may start to notice a reduction in redness within a few weeks.

Can makeup worsen facial redness?

Some makeup products can worsen facial redness, especially if they contain irritants or ingredients that are known to trigger redness in sensitive skin. It is important to choose makeup products that are specifically formulated for sensitive or redness-prone skin.

If you are concerned about facial redness, it is always recommended to consult with a skincare professional or dermatologist who can provide personalised advice and recommend suitable products for your skin type and concerns.