Welcome to October, or the season of Autumnfest as I like to call it!
It’s when the nights are drawing darker earlier, the crisp leaves can be heard underfoot and the winter woolies are starting to make their appearance again. If you’ve been an avid reader of my diary for some time, you’ll know I love to dress my house in all things autumnal when the seasons change. It can be something as simple as stringing along some fairy lights, collecting fir cones and conkers to jazz up a table centerpiece - I challenge you to embrace our new season change and welcome Autumnfest into your home!
One little tip might be to buy some gourds from a greengrocer or seek out a pumpkin farm, glaze them with a water-based varnish then they will last all through the autumn as a lovely house display, set on trailing Ivy with some golden votives with tea lights.

October also signals a big campaign kickoff month for us at TEMPLESPA, and this year for every REPOSE purchased at £42, we’ll gift you one for free in our limited edition box and £6 will go towards our chosen charities Age UK and Life Support. If you know about our brand history, you’ll know we donate each month to local charities to help their causes and support communities, it’s an area very close to my and Mark’s hearts since day one and always will be. Every October we raise great funds for charitable causes we believe share our values and need our support, for that reason this year we’re supporting Age UK and Life Support with The Eden Farm project. Both are wonderful charities that do vital work for communities both at home and away in Africa.

Naturally, I am a chatty person and I always believe you never know the story of someone sitting next to you in a cafe, on the train or wherever you do life until you ask. I think the pandemic highlighted areas of loneliness in our society and charities like Age UK are looking after those in need of a friendly voice via projects like The Silver Line Helpline, which is a free telephone service for older people that runs 24/7. How wonderful is that? Simple steps can help us move towards eradicating loneliness in our elderly population sooner rather than later.
And when a supportive community becomes paramount is in your early years, helping to shape and guide you into adulthood and that’s never been clearer than in Life Support. It’s a charity we’ve worked with in the past and through their Eden Farm project they care for orphaned and vulnerable children by providing homes in their children’s village, education and meals. Children are placed in family units of 6 who are then looked after by a House Mother, who in turn gains a new sense of self-purpose after becoming widowed or through their own struggles. It really is a life changing charity that does good for many young children and families in Africa.
So how can you help you may ask? By purchasing your REPOSE Relaxing Night Cream we’ll give £6 in total to our chosen charities and gift you a free REPOSE, whether you choose to keep this for yourself or pass on to someone in need of a relaxing respite. We call it Purchase With Purpose. We also have our 31 Days Of Giving calendar which has an abundance of simple ideas you can do daily that gives back and makes an impact on your community. On this subject, I truly believe community is the antidote to loneliness and there’s something each of us can do to help one another.

Something else you can do is host a SPA TO GO class and our favourite during October is our Slumber class. A total relaxation which you can unwind with after a busy week or if you’re just in need of some ‘me-time’! Gather your family and friends to join in and host your own class, they’re easy to organise and you don’t even have to leave the comfort of your own home! Plus our Hosts enjoy exclusive gifts and everyone can take their pick of our brilliant collections and savings.
I hope you have a wonderful October and we’ve inspired you to think of the ways you can give back to your community too!
Love Liz x