Dear friends
Welcome to June, my favourite month! My lovely Mark has a big birthday on 2nd June and mine is on 3rd (not big!), so it will be a special celebration for us this year in a real hotel, a real restaurant inside, with real people…joy.
Last month I wrote to you about ‘emerging’ from the craziness of the last year and this month, my reflections have taken me to the next phase on that journey which is to go from ‘STRENGTH TO STRENGTH’.
This might seem like a bit of a stretch considering where we’ve come from, but bear with, because I’m going to share a couple of my own revelations for how to pass from ‘survive to thrive’ and trust me, I’ve had lots of practice over the years!
A few years ago now, when we were in the early years of developing our fledgling brand TEMPLESPA, we were frustrated by the growth. We had high expectations, (probably too high in reality), we’d both created and run large businesses and we didn’t much care for the downsize!
We had a friend and mentor at the time who helped ‘locate’ us. He simply said, “guys, you’ve lost your horizon; you’re looking down rather than up and out”.
Most of you know our story; we had taken a year’s sabbatical in The Med to conceive our future and when renewing our vows in Cyprus, Mark took this photo of The Mediterranean Sea and sky from the pool he was swimming in.

Upon seeing it I exclaimed “what do you think of the name TEMPLESPA?” The rest is history and that photo became our horizon for the future. We looked at it often as it reminded us of our dream.
As our mentor said that to us, we realised we were not indeed looking at the horizon, we were looking at the shingles on the shore that hurt. He recommended that we prophecy ‘the company we see’. So, we licked our wounds and wrote a vision statement, mission statement and started to ‘see’ a different outcome and prepared ourselves for growth with a renewed mindset.
This was written 12 years ago, (click here to read) but reads like we composed it yesterday. I’m happy to report the brand is doing so well now, but it has taken perseverance, awareness and time, we all need a bit of that that, right?!
It would be very easy for all of us to look back over the past year or so with regret, pain and sadness; for many this has been your truth. But, if we regain, or renew the horizon ahead, we will move towards it with vigour and then from strength to strength. It’s like looking at a picture of an amazing snow scene but your head is down in the slush, so you miss the view.

We were driving towards The Lake District once and could see on the Sat-Nav we were but a few feet away from the first lake. We saw the funniest scene which was a couple who’d set up their RV in a layby and were sunbathing with a picnic. I wanted to shout to them the VIEW was just round the corner!
We can all park up on disappointment and settle in a layby. But all a layby is, is a stopping off point, a comfort break, not a destination.
So, I urge you to re-connect with your horizon, your plans, dreams, adventures and although everything yet isn’t quite certain on our road map, perhaps not holding everything so tightly, but lightly is one of the best learnings as we emerge out of this time.
With this in mind, we are launching a fabulous new product called FROM STRENGTH TO STRENGTH a revolutionary nail & cuticle treatment serum; I’ve been testing it for almost a year and it’s fantastic, my nails have never been stronger and looked better. This is set within a really cool collection called MANI-PEDI-CURES (coming soon!) a tin of hand and feet gorgeousness and finally, a whole new Spa to Go in person or virtual class experience called SUMMER BREEZE, a set of 4 summery Nail Treats complete the 2021 Summer sizzler.
I hope you’re loving MOST REVEALING our brilliant new Oxygenating peel mask, it is literally flying out of the warehouse, here it is if you haven’t seen it yet and another tip to go with the MANI-PEDI-CURES, I discovered that after dry brushing my rather pale and wintery legs (that have looked like two milk bottles!) with GIVING IT THE BRUSH OFF, scrub with SUGAR BUFF, then use MOST REVEALING as a peel, it totally re-surfaces your pins and then if you need a pretend tan, pop a little newly packaged LOVELY DAY either mixed in with your favourite body lotion or after moisturising as a faux tan bronzing tint.

We are so thrilled for all our beautiful spas and hotels that opened just last month, we hear they are getting mega booked up which pleases us no-end, if you’d like to find out where they are and experience a gorgeous TEMPLESPA treatment, here’s a link.
So dear friends, have a wonderful June and thank you for your love and loyalty
My love, Liz xx