Wellness and Wellbeing. 2 buzzwords that pop up time and again in our pursuit to look and feel better. But, do we ever take the time to really understand them and their importance? Let’s dig a little deeper and discover the true meaning of wellbeing and the concept of wellness along with some simple, practical ways to implement a little more health and wellbeing in our everyday home lives.
Wellness is an active process of becoming aware of and making choices toward a healthy and fulfilling ...
When we’ve got a lot going on in our minds, the mental chatter can be hard to switch off from, so here are my tried and tested tips for getting into a restful state prior to sleep-time, settling into a good relaxation ritual.
In general, we need 7-8 hours of sleep to allow our mind & body to recover and cells to renew.
So my first tip is to invest in the best pillows you can afford and if you can’t budget for ...
Any sunny weather that has the UK basking brings with it a wealth of positivity; there is no denying it puts us Brits in a great mood! However, glorious sunshine at any time of year can wreak havoc on our skin, often causing excessive oiliness, a shiny complexion and dreaded breakouts. It can also cause dry and dehydrated skin for many of us, our skin can feel stripped of its natural dewy glow and instead we’re left with a parched, dull complexion in need of quenching.
Air conditioning ...
Exfoliators are traditionally thought of as scrubs with a coarse texture for removing dead skin cells. But some scrubs are so rough, they can actually aggravate and damage the fragile skin surface. In addition, scrub exfoliators can’t reach beyond the top surface layer of the skin and penetrate down into the pores to breakdown the multilayers of dead skin build-up there.
Dermatologists have been using Glycolic Acid professionally for decades in chemical peels for skin resurfacing. ...
We all know the phrase “oh they must have got out of bed on the wrong side today”! It is a fact that a restless night, weird dream or just missing the alarm call can set us off to a bad start. I learned the following wake-up technique from a dear 83-year young friend and it really works.
Even though we all love to doze under the duvet for as long as possible then leap out of bed, this is actually the worst thing you can do; when we sit up too quickly our blood pressure can drop ...
Today we are thankful again to all of our courageous NHS stars who continue to take care of our vulnerable people, putting themselves in the front line for us every day and night. We’re grateful beyond belief.
We know each day takes its toll with aching feet, dry and chapped hands, frazzled minds and no down-time to treat and relax.
We asked our customers to nominate their NHS star and to say “thank-you” we donated 400 each of our cute care packages, ALL WELL & ...
Winter is over. Spring is come. The sound of doves is heard in the land. Song of Solomon 2:11 & 12
Let us welcome beautiful Spring. It’s been a long winter and even though we’re living in very strange and precarious times right now, when we see daffodils and tulips popping up and baby lambs in the fields, we’re reminded of the natural process of rebirth and renewal. It is something we can rely on and for sure, these days too shall pass, and summer and better times will be soon be here ...
Dear friends of Temple Spa,
May we just take a very brief moment together.
In these uncertain times, one thing is certain. Community is everything. People matter. YOU matter. Today and always. So, we trust you and your loved ones are well and remain well.
As the world finds its footing in these ever-changing times, at Temple Spa, we remain committed to the well-being of our employees, customers, clients and our community.
We believe it’s critical to do our part to ...