About Us

The TEMPLESPA story began in the Mediterranean 25 years ago with our founders Mark and Liz. The warmth, the vibrancy, the wonderful nutritious indigenous ingredients and the love of living life to the full inspired us. This excited us and is still what drives us today. TEMPLESPA is a British, science-led skincare & spa-lifestyle brand whose mantra is to “create your own spa wherever you are” The products serve as a positive reminder to take a ‘pocket of peace’ for yourself every day, wherever you find yourself.

The brand is a fusion of ‘product and experience’ flavoured by the Mediterranean, the magical place of its birth and creation of its philosophy - Your body is a living temple. Honour it, enjoy your life and live it to the full. It’s aimed at people who are looking for an emotional connection to a brand that shares similar ethical, as well as skin and soul boosting values.

The award-winning products are produced in three of the world’s greatest laboratories, formulated with the best possible Mediterranean ingredients, and undergirded by advanced derma-science. Our manifesto is the ‘power of three’ texture, experience and performance, giving serious, see-it-in-the-mirror results, whilst they are presented and delivered in a warm, vibrant and approachable manner.

TEMPLESPA provide beautiful feel-good-factor products, treatments and experiences whether enjoyed inside the spa, or your own space. If someone can get to a spa, they will have a wonderful and unparalleled experience. The treatments are detailed, thoughtful and innovative and are as entertaining and enjoyable for the professional therapist as much as the guest.
TEMPLESPA is a beautiful brand and the idea is for people to enjoy it wherever they might be, so you will also find TEMPLESPA in Harrods where they have been in residence for 23 years as well as over 150 premium spas, they are found in thousands of luxury hotel rooms around the world, in the premium cabins of several airlines.